Australian Based, delivered remotely

Build your capabilities

Instill Meaningful Change

Connection. Accountability. Resilience. Wellbeing. Success.

NLP & Mindset Success Coaching

Get what you want using techniques based in Modern Psychology and Neuroscience.

Are you experiencing...

You are not alone. 

“If it’s hysterical it’s historical” – Most of our problematic responses or behaviours will stem from a stored subconscious response neural patterning from a time in our past: hence the the common reference to being “triggered” into an undesirable state.  

Through neuroplasticity (the brains ability to change and adapt), the brain can create new neural connections, strengthen existing ones, and even reorganise itself in response to stimuli or situations. 

Neural Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques reveal and clear hidden patterns, deep seated beliefs and habits that are blocking you from achieving your goals. We then retrain and re-wire your brain with new programs that align with what you want and where you want to go. 

The results are quite Extraordinary

After identifying and clearing any blockages, Coaching can quickly define and refine what you want, so you can then clearly identify your goals and how you will get there.


Real, positive results: a path forward, a clear plan, accountability, a way to get ahead.


Achieve your personal and professional goals, improve  relationships, and lead a more fulfilling life.

Hi, My name is Kiara

I am a qualified NLP practitioner and Mindset Coach based in Modern Psychology.

I specialise in all areas of personal growth as well as mindset and success coaching.

As an Olympian, I intimately understand the mindset required for extra-ordinary levels of success and have helped many clients overcome mindset blocks, boost confidence and gain clarity to experience remarkable success and purpose in their everyday lives. 

It is a skill of mine to quickly identify behavioural tendencies of others and am able to offer targeted NLP therapy as well clearly structured, practical, no BS coaching: using techniques based in modern neuroscience to hack your mindset, work with your natural cognitive processing abilities, help you to generate your own sustainable solutions to complex problems and allow you to live a life YOU want to live. 

What to expect

Personalised , results driven 1:1 Sessions

Each session is tailored specifically to your experience and what's holding you back. Allow 60- 90mins

Rewire your neural pathways

These techniques are quick, effective and the results are often seen immediately.
Don't waste years of unnecessary time in talk therapy.

shift current behaviours and beliefs

Create personal alignment with your values, build self-concept and sustainability in your goals and the life you want.

better achieve your goals to create lasting change

Find Clarity, take control, build confidence and create a life of purpose, on purpose.

My clients consistently experience relief, results and resolution rapidly. 

You can expect: 

1-3 sessions for easily identifiable issues;  

3-6 sessions for multilayered or complex difficulties; 


Package options for ongoing coaching toward future success

All sessions are delivered remotely via live video conferencing.

Professionally Qualified

I have trained with world leaders in Modern Psychology to ensure I can provide meaningful, direct and effective therapy that creates powerful and permanent changes as well as coaching that empowers clients to take control and responsibility for their success. 





These techniques can help tackle anything from anxiety, self sabotage and stress management to the elimination of phobias, negative self talk or general areas of self-improvement and growth.

Coaching provides clarity, confidence and accountablility to live life by design. 

Client Testimonials

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Your first session! as well as recieve tips, tricks and information about regulating your nervous system. 

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